Sunday, July 17, 2011


I think I screwed up the colors,black & white looks better. Gonna try it again and count it as a new post :)

I've been wanting to really get into steampunk exploration, flesh some stuff out. Or maybe just some good ol' fashioned trans humanism.

collage a trois

third one, want to keep it going, hate my computer, need to draw more. Thank you for listening

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Stupid Cognitive Dissonance

Man, I'm such an idiot for missing last weeks Soundgarden reunion show that kicked off at Molson Amphitheatre. I remember when they split up, and how bummed I was thinking I wasn't gonna see them again.

I'm an idiot. But it's hard to find diehard grunge fans to blow 60-80 bucks to go with you. Those were the days.

Now I have no problem finding people for a Yeezy, Weezy, Jeezy, or a Jay-Z show but I'll be fuck damned to find a crew to take to a show from a 20 year career band.

Whatevs, next year when they come back after their new album drops, I'll get another shot, maybe AIC will open up for them.

K now I feel better.

These are some pen sketches again, too bad I've been more busy doing actual work at work lately to keep doing these collage types, but I'll find way to continue them

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Water Weight

Not sure if I should add colour or preserve the rawness of my doodle (heh), but what I am sure of is the value of a good night's sleep.

Valley of Chrome

I'm hoping to fill a page a day of these bite-sized little bastards.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Captain Obvious?

Coworkers thought I was trying to scribble some Charlie Sheen. I wasn't, but it was pretty funny when I finished it

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pan De Rivah!

Just sketching off one of many great paintings depicting the Gods of such & such. Seen?

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I say, these things are pretty fun, quick pen stuff with a bit of PS