Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Who Can We Get On The Case? We Need Perry Mason again. Uh Uh A-gain.

Was there a classic metal band performing in the city last night? I'm just gonna assume rather than spend the 20 seconds to confirm it, but let's say there was.

I love seeing the 40-55 year old demographic out on a post concert drunkenly stroll, it makes me feel good inside. I couldn't tell what the fuck they were singing, which was unfortunate since audio remains an important sense to heighten the emotion, but I'm gonna assume it's Ozzy.

What if it was? How cool is it that dude is still performing for people who grew up worshipping their liner notes? I used to think I would want my favourite bands to stop touring and hang it up like a wet sweater, preferably not as a result of suicide but a decision they made mutually, by the time they hit 40.

As a person who just turned 29, and as a fan of certain bands reaching granpa age, I can see how dumb that mode of thinking is.

So to these die hard old schoolers i say Rock Out, hopefully with your shriveled genitalia still in your pants.

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